Conquering Fears Through Trust | One-Word Prompt

I will start by admitting I have never really trusted a lot of things or people, unless they were very close friends or family. I personally find it a good thing to be aware of what you can or cannot trust. Though sometimes, you may put your trust into someone or something that can help you in times of need.

When I was much younger I was fascinated by how the escalators work, or the “magic stairs” as I use to refer to them as. One day my father and I needed to go down the escalator to reach the ground floor. For some reason when I got to the top of the “magic stairs” I froze. I was suddenly too scared to go down them so let go of my father’s hand. He was now at the bottom and I was still stuck at the top. I became even more panicked because I was standing there alone for a few seconds.

Someone who was next to us saw what happened and tried to help me go down the escalator. I knew I had to trust them or I would stay rooted to the ground for even longer. Soon after, I was able to get to the ground floor with the help of the kind onlooker, and I guess you could say I combated my brief fear of escalators!

Image from Pixabay



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